Congratulations Sensei Andy, Rokudan!
Sensei Andy recently spent 2 weeks training at the IOGKF Honbu dojo in Naha, Okinawa. There he trained along side many people from all over the world and as well as personal daily training he took part in classes run by senior IOGKF instructors. Including Sensei Pervez Mistry (India), Sensei Ernie Molyneux (England) Sensei Henrik Larsen (Denmark) Sensei Tetsuji Nakmura (IOGKF Chief Instructor) Sensei Roy Flatt (England) and Sensei Kuramoto (Okinawa)
As most people will know Higaonna Sensei is ill in hospital, but he didn’t miss the grading Nakamura Sensei videoed it to show him!
At the end of his two weeks training, he and 6 others attempted their examination, grades were being taken from 5th-7th dan. We are happy to say that all the candidates were successful and really shone out according to Sensei Molyneux at the grading announcements at the Sayonara party.