Congratulations Sensei Andy, Rokudan!
Sensei Andy recently spent 2 weeks training at the IOGKF Honbu dojo in Naha, Okinawa. There he trained along side
Sensei Linda Marchant in the media!
April 2013 IOGKF Newsletter
The latest IOGKF newsletter is now available online. As usual it is full of informative articles, click the following link
Thank You!
Thanks Alice for sorting out our Xmas bash…my belly is full to bursting with fish kebabs.
Higaonna Sensei, England 2013
Breaking Headline News – Sensei Ernie has secured Morio Higaonna SenseiĀ“s agreement to join us in our special EGKA 40th
IOGKF Newsletter
IOGKF newsletter now available! IOGKF Newsletter
Excellent article from Ciara (Tooting Dojo), lovely to read.
IOGKF New Structure
At the Chief Instructors meeting during the 6th World Budosai in Okinawa, Morio Higaonna Sensei announced his retirement from the